Is there any Quranic and Hadith proof about aliens? | Aliens in Islam

Aliens in Islam – Introduction

The question of whether aliens exist or not has been discussed for centuries. The belief in aliens, or extraterrestrial beings, is controversial in the Islamic faith. While some view the existence of aliens as a viable possibility, others reject the notion entirely. While there is no definitive answer to this question, much of the Islamic perspective on aliens is rooted in the Quran and Hadith. 

This article will explore the Islamic perspective on aliens, focusing on any Quranic and Hadith references to them and their status in Islamic jurisprudence. This article will also provide an overview of the Islamic perspective on aliens. We hope this post will illuminate the different views on this complex issue.

Aliens in Islam

What are Aliens?

The concept of an alien is a being, creature or entity originating from outside Earth and its inhabitants. In science fiction, aliens are often portrayed as extraterrestrial beings with societies, civilizations and cultures, usually living on other planets or other parts of the universe. Aliens are also typically described as having a variety of advanced physical, mental and technological capabilities that are more advanced than humans. They may be organic, robotic or any combination of the two, and may take various forms, from humanoid to insectoid. While alien species are often hostile or dangerous, some may also be benevolent and even assist in advancing human society.

What is the Islamic Perspective on Aliens?

Islam has a long history of being open to the possibility of extraterrestrial life. In the Qur’an, there are references to “the People of the Cave”, who are believed to be aliens. Additionally, the Hadith, a collection of sayings by the Prophet Muhammad, has passages that suggest that Allah created other worlds and creatures. The concept of jinn, supernatural beings who live in another realm, is also referenced in the Qur’an. Muslims often view aliens as another form of creation of Allah and as part of His great plan. Thus, many Muslims have a favourable view of aliens and believe they have an essential role in the universe.

The Islamic perspective on aliens, or extraterrestrial life, is debated among Islamic scholars. While some scholars suggest that there is no clear answer to the question and that the matter should be left to personal interpretation, other scholars have argued that the Qur’an and Hadith provide insight into the possibility of alien life. According to some variations, the Qur’an states that Allah created beings other than human beings on Earth and possibly in the heavens. In contrast, others suggest that the Qur’an does not mention the presence of any other beings besides humans. Ultimately, many Islamic scholars hold that there is no clear answer to whether or not aliens exist and that the matter should be left to personal belief.

Anas b. Malik reported that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) gathered the Ansar and said:

Is there someone alien among you? They said: No, but only the son of our sister. Upon this the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: The son of the sister of the people is included among the tribe, and (farther) said: The Quraish have recently abandoned Jahillyya and have just been delivered from distress; I, therefore, intend to help them and conciliate them. Don't you feel happy that the people should return with worldly riches, and you return with the Messenger of Allah to your houses? (So far as my love for you is concerned, I should say) if the people were to tread a valley and the Ansar tread a narraw path (in a mountain) I would tread the narrow path of the Ansar. 

(Sahih Muslim 1059d, Book 12, Hadith 176)

What does Science Say about aliens?

At present, Science has yet to provide definitive proof of the existence of extraterrestrial life. However, ongoing research and discoveries in astronomy, astrophysics, and other fields continue to fuel speculation and debate about the possibility of life beyond Earth. Various scientific theories have been proposed to explain the emergence of life on Earth. Some scientists argue that similar conditions that led to the emergence of life on Earth may exist elsewhere in the universe. While there is no direct evidence to support these speculations, the search for extraterrestrial life remains an active field of research.

Quranic References to Aliens

The Quran is a holy book that is a source of guidance for Muslims around the world. Many believe that the Quran contains evidence of the presence of aliens in the universe. Proponents of this theory point to the verses in the Quran that talk about the universe’s creation and the angels responsible for its maintenance. They suggest that these angels are extraterrestrial beings and that they are responsible for the formation of galaxies and other astronomical phenomena. Moreover, they indicate that the Quran speaks of the visitation of these extraterrestrial beings to Earth and their interactions with humans. Whether or not this evidence is factual remains a matter of debate, but it is certainly an intriguing possibility.

A verse in Surah Ash-Shuraa, where Allah says:

“And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the Earth, and of whatever living creatures He has spread forth in both. And He has the power to gather them together whenever he pleases."

(Quran, 42:29)

Hadith References to Aliens

Hadith, which is a collection of the sayings of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad, is a source of spiritual, moral and legal guidance for many Muslims. Some hadiths have been interpreted as referencing the existence of aliens, although this interpretation is not universally accepted. For example, some hadiths describe creatures, such as the jinn, believed to have come from other planets and have supernatural powers. Other hadiths mention animals that could be interpreted as aliens, such as the dhaba or “creeping creature”, which is said to have come from outside the Earth and left a mark on the moon. While some Muslims accept these hadiths as evidence of the existence of aliens, others interpret the references as metaphorical, symbolic or allegorical. Ultimately, the interpretation of these hadiths is a matter of personal belief. There is no Hadith that mentions aliens specifically, but some Hadith do talk about the vastness of the universe and the creatures that exist in it.

Are there any Quranic and Hadith References to Aliens?

The Qur’an and Hadith, the two primary sources of Islamic teachings, do not explicitly reference aliens. However, some Islamic scholars have suggested that some verses of the Qur’an may contain allusions to extraterrestrial life. For example, one verse states that the heavens and the Earth were created in six days and that God created “what you do not know”. Some have interpreted this as implying the existence of other forms of life beyond our own. Similarly, some scholars have pointed to the idea of Jinns (supernatural creatures) in the Qur’an as a possible reference to aliens. Ultimately, however, there has yet to be a clear consensus.

In another verse, Allah (SWT) says:

Allah created seven heavens and of the Earth and the like thereof. The divine command comes down in their midst that you may know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge." 

(Quran: 65:12)

Controversies and Disagreements Surrounding Aliens in Islam

Islam is a religion which has many beliefs and practices which are open to interpretations and disagreements. One of the topics which has been the subject of much debate within the Islamic world is the issue of aliens. Some people believe that aliens exist, while others do not accept this view. Some disagreements stem from a lack of scientific evidence and the idea that aliens contradict certain Islamic beliefs. Other arguments centre around the role of aliens in Islamic thought and whether they are significant enough to be discussed within the religion. In addition, there are disagreements about the nature of aliens, such as whether they are good or bad and whether they have any place in Islam. All these disagreements have made the topic of aliens controversial among Muslims.

Impact of Belief in Aliens on Islamic Teachings

The impact of belief in aliens on Islamic teachings is a complex issue. On the one hand, Islamic beliefs are rooted in the belief that God is the only one with absolute power and that no other beings in the universe possess knowledge or ability that equals or surpasses that of the divine. On the other hand, many Muslims believe that other forms of intelligent life exist in the universe and are created by God. This belief has implications for Islamic teachings, suggesting that God has granted certain rights to other beings that humans may not share.

For example, Islamic teachings emphasize respecting all forms of life, regardless of origin. It could include extraterrestrial lifeforms if they exist. Similarly, Islamic teachings encourage believers to seek knowledge, including the possibility of learning from aliens if they can contact them. Finally, Islamic beliefs emphasize the importance of mercy and forgiveness, which could extend to aliens if found peaceful and non-threatening.

Ultimately, it is up to individual Muslims to decide what they believe about aliens and how it affects their interpretation of Islamic teachings. However, that belief in aliens could impact Islamic teachings, as it suggests the existence of other intelligent life forms in the universe and underscores the importance of respecting all forms of life.

Is Belief in Aliens an Essential Part of Islamic Beliefs?

Belief in aliens is not an essential part of Islamic beliefs. Although extraterrestrial life is mentioned in the Quran, it does not necessarily require believers to believe in aliens. Some Muslims interpret the Quran to mean that extraterrestrial life does exist and is part of the universe, but others are more sceptical. Ultimately, Islamic beliefs are highly personal and open to interpretation, so it is up to each individual to decide whether or not they believe in aliens.

Quran and Extraterrestrial Life

The Quran does not explicitly mention extraterrestrial life. However, it does refer to God’sGod’s creation which includes all living things, known and unknown, seen and unseen. In addition, the Quran promotes the idea that nothing is impossible for God, who created the heavens and the Earth. It suggests that God could have also made life on other planets. As such, extraterrestrial life may exist, but it is ultimately up to God.

What is the Status of Aliens in Islamic Jurisprudence?

Islamic jurisprudence is an area of the Islamic law that deals with the interaction between humans and non-human entities such as angels, jinn, and animals. One of the most debated topics in Islamic jurisprudence is the status of aliens, which is a topic that is still subject to much debate. Some scholars argue that aliens are similar to non-Muslims in the Islamic system, while others say that aliens have a special status due to their non-human nature. Furthermore, some argue that aliens should be treated equally regardless of their species or origin. Ultimately, the resolution to this debate is left up to the Islamic scholars, as there still needs to be a consensus.

What is the Overall Islamic Perspective on Aliens?

The Islamic perspective on aliens is mainly unknown, as Islamic scripture does not explicitly mention extraterrestrial life. However, many Muslim scholars believe that any form of life, even beyond Earth, is God’s creation and must be respected and treated with kindness. Additionally, it is thought that humans should not seek to dominate or control aliens but rather seek to engage in peaceful dialogue and co-existence. Ultimately, the Islamic perspective on aliens is that we should strive to be open-minded and accepting while respecting our differences and understanding that we all come from the same Creator.


In conclusion, the Islamic perspective on aliens is both complex and varied. Though there is no explicit reference to aliens in the Quran or Hadith, specific interpretations of both texts leave open the possibility of their existence. It is not an essential part of Islamic beliefs to believe in aliens, but it is an accepted part of Islamic jurisprudence. Ultimately, ideas regarding aliens are left to the individual’s interpretation, with the overall Islamic perspective being open-minded and considering different possibilities.

While some Islamic teachings support the notion of aliens and their existence, there is still much disagreement and controversy surrounding this topic. As with any matter of faith, it is ultimately up to each Muslim to decide whether or not they believe in the existence of aliens based on the evidence provided by both the Quran and Hadith. While believers may believe in the existence of aliens, it is essential to note that Islam’s core beliefs and teachings remain the same regardless of belief.


Can Muslims believe in aliens without contradicting Islamic teachings?

It is permissible for Muslims to believe in the possibility of aliens existing in the universe without contradicting Islamic teachings.

Are there any Quranic or Hadith references to the existence of aliens?

According to Islamic teachings, there is no evidence for or against the existence of extraterrestrial life. Muslims generally believe Allah is the Creator of all things, including any potential alien species, but He has not revealed any information on the subject.

Is there a specific Islamic opinion on the existence of aliens?

While there is no specific Islamic opinion on the existence of aliens, many Muslims believe that Allah is the Creator of all things and that any potential alien species is also a creation of Allah. However, there is no direct evidence to support or refute this belief.

Is there any information in the Quran or Hadith about aliens?

The Quran and Hadith do not contain any direct references to the existence of aliens. However, some Muslims believe that Allah is the Creator of all things, including any potential alien species.

Are Muslims allowed to believe in the existence of aliens?

Yes, Muslims are allowed to believe in the existence of aliens if they choose to do so, as long as their belief does not contradict the teachings of Islam.

Does Islam provide any guidance on interacting with aliens if they exist?

Islam does not provide any specific guidance on interacting with aliens, as there is no evidence to suggest that aliens exist. Therefore, interactions with potential aliens would be guided by the general Islamic principles of compassion, justice, and respect for all life.

Could aliens be considered part of God’s creation?

Some Islamic scholars believe that, if aliens exist, they are part of God’s creation and thus should be respected as such.

What does the Quran say about life on other planets?

The Quran does not explicitly mention life on other planets. However, some Islamic scholars believe that the Quran’s reference to the “seven heavens” could mean that there could be life on other planets.

Is the belief in aliens part of Islamic tradition?

The belief in aliens is not part of traditional Islamic teachings.

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