Know all about the Holy Quran sharif | A Roadmap to Success in This Life and the Hereafter


Asslamu alaiqum the Holy Quran sharif Means “The Reading” Or “The Recitation”, And Refers To Divinely Revealed Scripture. Learn More About Allah, The Islam Religion, History, And Much More At IslamiCity Today! Cultivate Peace. Interfaith Understanding. Inspire Action. Humanitarian Relief.

Holy Quran sharif
Quran sharif

History of the Holy Quran sharif

The Quran, also known as the Holy Quran, is the central religious text of Islam. It is considered by Muslims to be the word of Allah as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad over a period of approximately 23 years. The Quran is considered to be a miraculous and inimitable work of divine guidance, providing teachings and guidance for all aspects of life, including beliefs, morality, and societal norms.

The history of the Quran can be traced back to the 7th century, when the Prophet Muhammad began receiving revelations from Allah. These revelations were initially recorded orally and memorized by his followers, and were later written down and compiled into a single volume during the time of the first Caliph, Abu Bakr, after the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632 CE. The text of the Quran was finalized and standardized under the third Caliph, Uthman, in 650 CE, and has been unchanged since that time.

Over the centuries, the Quran has been preserved and transmitted through an elaborate system of recitation and memorization, which has ensured its accuracy and authenticity. The Quran has been widely studied and commented upon, both by Muslims and non-Muslims, and its teachings have had a profound impact on the development of Islamic civilization and the shaping of the modern world.

In conclusion, the Quran is a central and revered text in the Islamic religion, and its history is intertwined with the history of the early development of Islam and the spread of the faith.

 Narrated Uthman  ;

The Prophet said," The stylish among you( Muslims) are those who learn the Qur'an and educate it." 

Reference (Sahih BUkhari;5027)

Significance Of the holy Quran sharif in islam

The Quran holds immense significance in Islam and is considered to be the cornerstone of the Muslim faith. It is considered to be the final and complete revelation of Allah To humanity, and its teachings provide guidance and direction for all aspects of life.

Here are some of the ways in which the Quran is considered to be significant in Islam:

Source of religious guidance: 

The Quran contains divine guidance on a wide range of topics, including beliefs, morality, and societal norms. It provides Muslims with guidance on how to live a virtuous life and how to practice their faith.

Word of Allah

Muslims believe that the Quran is the literal word of Allah, as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Jibril. This belief in the divine origin of the Quran underscores its importance and revered status.

Record of past revelations: 

The Quran is also considered

to be a record of past revelations from Allah to other prophets, including Ibrahim, Musa, Ismail,and serves as a reminder of Allah’s message throughout history.

Miraculous nature: 

Muslims believe that the Quran’s inimitable style and language, as well as its preservation over time, are evidence of its miraculous nature. They believe that the Quran’s impact on the world, its timeless relevance, and its preservation over time are all signs of its divine origin.

Unifying force: 

The Quran serves as a unifying force for Muslims around the world, providing a common source of guidance and inspiration. It is considered to be the basis of Islamic identity, and its teachings provide a shared set of beliefs and practices that bind Muslims together as a community.

 Narrated Ibn Umar  :

Allah's Apostle said,'' The  illustration of the person who knows theQur'an by heart is like the  proprietor of tied camels.However, he'll control them, but if he releases them, If he keeps them tied." 

Reference (Sahih Bukhari;5031)

Stages of compilation of the holy Quran sharif

The process of compiling the Quran took place in several stages, which can be summarized as follows:

Oral transmission: 

The earliest revelations received by the Prophet Muhammad were recorded orally and memorized by his followers. This oral tradition ensured the preservation and transmission of the revelations even before they were written down.

Writing during the Prophet’s lifetime: 

Some of the revelations received by the Prophet Muhammad were written down on whatever materials were available at the time, such as stones, bones, and leaves.

Collection during the time of Abu Bakr: 

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632 CE, many of his followers feared that the revelations would be lost. As a result, the first Caliph, Abu Bakr, ordered the collection of all written and oral revelations into a single volume. This collection was carried out by the companion of the Prophet, Zayd ibn Thabit.

Finalization and standardization during the time of Uthman: 

During the time of the third Caliph, Uthman, the written and oral traditions of the revelations were compiled into a standardized text. Uthman ordered the production of multiple copies of this standardized text and ordered the destruction of all other copies or versions that were in circulation.

Preservation and transmission: 

The standardized text of the Quran was preserved and transmitted through an elaborate system of recitation and

memorization, which ensured its accuracy and authenticity. This system continues to this day, and the text of the Quran has remained unchanged since the time of Uthman.

 Narrated Abu Said Al- Khudri  ;

The Prophet said to his companions," Is it  delicate for any of you to recite one third of theQur'an in one night?" This suggestion was  delicate for them so they said," Who among us has the power to do so, O Allah's Apostle?" Allah's Apostle replied'' Allah (the) One, the tone- Sufficient Master Whom all  brutes need.'is equal to one third of theQur'an." 

Reference (Sahih Bukhari;5015)

Literary style of the holy Quran sharif

The literary style of the Quran is widely regarded as one of its most distinctive and unique features. It is considered to be inimitable and miraculous, and its language and style have been the subject of much scholarly study and admiration over the centuries.

Here are some of the key literary features of the Quran:

Rhyme and rhythm: 

The Quran has a distinctive rhyme and rhythm that is evident in its repetitive and flowing language. This is thought to make the text easier to remember and recite.

Conciseness and succinctness: 

The Quran is characterized by its conciseness and succinctness, conveying complex ideas and teachings in a clear and concise manner.

Use of metaphor and simile: 

The Quran makes extensive use of metaphor and simile to convey its teachings and messages, often using vivid and imaginative language to illustrate its points.

Varying styles: 

The Quran employs a variety of styles, including narrative, poetry, argumentation, and exhortation, to convey its teachings and messages. This variety is thought to make the text more engaging and accessible to a wider audience.

Divine origin: 

Muslims believe that the unique and inimitable nature of the Quran’s language and style are evidence of its divine origin. They believe that the Quran’s language and style are beyond the capability of any human author, and that its impact on the world and its preservation over time are all signs of its miraculous nature.

 Narrated’ Abdullah bin’ Abbas  

Allah's Apostle said," Jibril recited the Qur'an to me in one way. also I requested him( to read it in another way), and continued asking him to recite it in other ways, and he recited it in several ways till he eventually recited it in seven different ways."

Reference ( Sahih Bukhari;4991 )

Who Actually wrote the holy Quran sharif

Muslims believe that the Quran was revealed by Allah to the Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Jibril over a period of 23 years. The Prophet Muhammad did not write the Quran himself, but instead received the revelations orally and memorized them. The revelations were later written down and compiled into a single volume by his companions under the guidance of the first Caliph, Abu Bakr, and later standardized and preserved by the third Caliph, Uthman.

In this sense, it can be said that the Quran was not “written” by any individual, but rather revealed by Allah and transmitted through the Prophet Muhammad to his followers. This belief in the divine origin of the Quran is central to the Muslim faith, and the text is considered to be the literal word of Allah.

It is important to note that the belief in the divine origin of the Quran is a fundamental tenet of the Muslim faith, and any suggestion that the Quran was written by an individual or group of individuals is considered to be a heresy in Islam.

Beginning of Revelation of the holy Quran sharif

The Quran was gradually revealed to Prophet Muhammad(SAW) over a period of 23 times. Ibn ‘ Abbas explained that “ the whole Quran was  transferred down to the lower  welkin on the Night of Decree. also, whenever Allah wished to inspire a commodity from it he’d inspire it ”.   Jibril was the noble angel assigned with bringing the portions of the Quran which Allah commanded him to bring.  Revelation from the  welkin to the earth began in the month of Ramadan. Scholars  similar as Suyuti ’ and Imam al- Sha’bi mentioned that the first disclosure from Jibreel to Prophet Muhammad( SAW)  passed on laylat- al- qadr during the last ten nights of Ramadan. 

Narrated Aisha and Ibn Abbas:

“The prophet SAW remained in Mecca for ten years, during which the Quran used to be revealed to him; and he stayed in Madina for ten years.”

Reference ( Sahih bukhari 4978, 4979 )


In conclusion, the Quran is a central and essential text in Islam and holds immense significance for Muslims around the world. It serves as a source of guidance, inspiration, and unity, and is considered to be a miracle in and of itself.

The literary style of the Quran is considered to be one of its defining characteristics, and its impact on the development of Islamic civilization and the shaping of the modern world is widely recognized.

FAQ The holy Quran sharif

In which month the Quran was revealed  ?

Muslims believe that the Quran was orally revealed by Allahto the final prophet, Muhammad, through the archangel Jibril incrementally over a period of some 23 times, beginning in the month of Ramadan, when Muhammad was 40; and concluding in 632, the time of his death. 

Which female name is mentioned in the Quran ?

Mary(Maryam), the  mama  of Jesus(Al-Masih), is the most important woman in the Quran, as she’s the only one  linked by name. She’s described as the  topmost woman of all time in the Quran as well. 

Who wrote the Quran First ?

Muslims believe that Muhammad continued to have  exposures until his death in 632 announcement. According to Islamic tradition, the Quran was first  collected into a comprehensive book by Abu Bakr.

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